Tuesday 13 March 2012

Bark Character

This is my character that we had to base on bark, I also used the Scrabs and Paramites from the Oddworld series for inspiration.

Here is the concept sketch of my character. The final turned out fairly different, I would have liked to add more detail to the final so I will probably go back at a later date and finalise it.

Kenya 3D / 2D Crossover

We had to create a 3D object and import it into a 2D picture to try and mimic the original image's lighting and shadow effects. Here is my attempt.

Sketchbook Work Three

This was a pretty quick sketch I did of Claptrap from Borderlands. It was drawn from observation rather than memory.

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Pixel Art Robot

So after the fire hydrant I decided to do a little more pixel art, granted the robot doesn't match the background that well, I still though it looked better than a blank page.

Character WIP

So this is the current progress on my character from the torso up. It would be done by now but seeing as I currently have no photoshop I cant finish it. but it will be done soon.

Sketchbook Work Two

A page with a few small sketches I tried to work on, the main focus of the sketch was the deformed character thing.

Also really liked the poisonous milkshake, bit random but oh well.