Thursday 31 January 2013

Sci - Fi Canon

So this weeks assignment was a science fiction canon. We have been asked to do a paint over of some form of 3D model to create an effective concept design. This is the progress that I have made so far.

Just a few images that my I would liek to base my designs around, I want to go for something simular to the prometheus cannon but with some gears thrown in there somewhere.
Threw together a few silouettes of the sort of ideas I have for my cannon, as far as a colour scheme goes I think I want the turret / cannon parts to be a flat brushed metal with the gears a dulled sort of brass.

First Render of basic shape.

Adding some small details to the gears.

All of the detail finished

And now a nice shiny new material for it.

Just added in some colour and some more little bits of detail.

All textures and rough detail finished, just time for a few smaller painted details.

Adding some more shadowing as I could'nt figure out how to do it in Maya.
Pretty sure this shall be my last amendment to this, just added in a little more shadowing here and there. Also added in a little circuit board just to give it a little more detail.

Well after realising that the lighting in the previous model was terrible, I went back to maya to play around with the rendering setting, this is basically the end result. Not to confident with rendering in maya and this is pretty much the best I can tdo with what I have got now.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Alien Landscape Progress

Well after a few mistakes here is the progress on my Alien Landscape project. This is my final idea and my initial ideas and sketches for my plants and landscape. This also includes a few screen captures of my Mudbox render of my main landscape before I realised I was making it way too big and have now had to start again. Wooohoooo.

Alien Landscape Research

For this weeks assignment we have to create some form of alien landscape. This is the research for this assignment, after last weeks tutorial I realised that I need do a great deal more research so I have focused more on each aspect that I need to spend time concentrating on.

Real landscapes: I have mostly focused on barren and empty landscapes as I think it gives a more alien and unknown feel to the atmosphere

Alien Landscapes: I found a selection of really cool alien landscapes, mostly are paintings, which I can draw from for reference.

For the plants I researched mainly into carnivorous plants as they often look the most peculiar, also just a few plants that simply just look weird.

I also attempted to look for some examples of alien looking plants. Most of this reference has come from avatar as it has a really cool variety of weird looking plants.

 And finally here is a pretty rushed painting of a desert I did, I messed around with the colours to try and make it look a bit more alien.

Thursday 17 January 2013

More Wrinkles

After my tutorial session with my lecturer I have gone back to this project to attempt to create some sort of wrinkled head in mudbox and then paint over it in photoshop, so far this is what I have got.


So this week we have been set an assignment on wrinkles, this has been a little late and I have been a bit slow to upload stuff, but it has been hard to get into the swing of things again. I found myself struggling to come up with a solid idea that I was happy with so in the end I went with two different ideas. Both could be a little more detailed and refined by I feel that I have accomplished something with both of these, even if it is only a little.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Some More Random Paintings

Well while trying to put of doing my essay I thought I may as well try and paint some more and this is the outcome.