Wednesday 23 January 2013

Alien Landscape Research

For this weeks assignment we have to create some form of alien landscape. This is the research for this assignment, after last weeks tutorial I realised that I need do a great deal more research so I have focused more on each aspect that I need to spend time concentrating on.

Real landscapes: I have mostly focused on barren and empty landscapes as I think it gives a more alien and unknown feel to the atmosphere

Alien Landscapes: I found a selection of really cool alien landscapes, mostly are paintings, which I can draw from for reference.

For the plants I researched mainly into carnivorous plants as they often look the most peculiar, also just a few plants that simply just look weird.

I also attempted to look for some examples of alien looking plants. Most of this reference has come from avatar as it has a really cool variety of weird looking plants.

 And finally here is a pretty rushed painting of a desert I did, I messed around with the colours to try and make it look a bit more alien.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Love the photo collage of strange plants. I'm starting a facebook fanpage called Bonehead Botany and wondered if I could use it as the cover art? I would add as a watermark on the photo.

    Please let me know if you'd be okay with me using it. I'm not making any profit from the Facebook fanpage. Just thought it would be fun to do to help me (and maybe others) learn about plants.

    Jamie at
